Late Weekend Post. Be Aware…lots of rambling!

So excuses…I don’t think I have the greatest excuse fo why I haven’t blogged over Thanksgiving weekend but the one I do have is true. I don’t really sit down at my computer at home any more. Even though I had 4 days off…I was on the go every single day. I only blog when […]

Turkey, Hiking, Moving Too Fast!

Life sucks sometimes. Thanksgiving is coming up and I really, really wanted to cook fo rmy husband’s family but its almost that time and nothing has been discussed on the menu. So I’m a lil disappointed. I understand some families have traditions and what not so I was willing to compromise but I guess it […]

All done!

Finally got everything moved out of the old palce and moved into the new place. Unpacking is almost finished also. I just have my stepdaughter’s room left to unpack and make pretty. Its taking a little while because I have to consolidate a lot of the crap I have. I realized I’m sort of a […]

Tattoos, Knitting and Boredom

Completed my first sleeve for the cardi last night. Very excited about that. I casted on the next sleeve also but didn’t get very far because it was bed time!!! I like bed time. I love sleeping. back on track though…I decided to just knit the second sleeve flat like the pattern says since I […]